Principal investigators

Our consortium consists of five PIs spread over five different countries and institutions. Here are their profiles:

Alvaro Alhambra

Alvaro is a RyC fellow at Instituto de Física Teórica as a member of CSIC, Spain’s largest public research institution. You can discover more about his research on his personal website or his twitter account.

Angela Capel

Angela is a Junior Professor of Mathematical Physics at Universität Tübingen, Germany. You can discover more about her research on her personal website or her twitter account.

Martin Kliesch

Martin is a professor at the Hamburg University of Technology, Germany. You can discover more about his research on his personal website.

Michal Oszmaniec

Michal is a Leader of Quantum Computing Groups at CTP PAS and NASK in Warsaw, Poland. You can discover more about his research on his personal website or his twitter account.

Daniel Stilck Franca

Daniel holds an Inria Starting Faculty Position hosted at ENS Lyon, France. You can discover more about his research on his personal website or his twitter account.